Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reverse each word in a string

/*************************************************** *
* Reverse each word is a string
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
void reverse(char *, int , int);
int main()
char src[] = "My name is Abc Xyz. My dog's name is Max.";

int len = strlen(src);

int s = 0; //start index of a word
int t = 0; //end index of a word

while(t < len){
while((isalpha(src[t]) || src[t] == '\'') && t < len) t++; //find the end index of a word
reverse(src,s,t-1); //reverse the word at [s, t-1]
while(!isalpha(src[t]) && t < len) t++; //find the start index of next word
s = t; // set the start index of the next word
cout << src << endl;


* *
* reverse a word *
* *
void reverse(char *str, int s, int t)
char temp;
while (s < t){
temp = str[s];
str[s] = str[t];
str[t] = temp;


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

K Reverse linked list

Given a linked list, we need to write a function that reverses the nodes of a linked list ‘k’ at a time and returns modified linked list.

The following are the constraints given:

  • You have to retain the memory address of the nodes without modifying it i.e. you can’t just interchange the values in the nodes
  • Only constant memory is allowed

For example the linked list given is as follows:

Linked List : 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8->9->10->11 -> null

For k = 2

Return Value: 2->1->4->3->6->5->8->7->10->9->11 ->null

For k = 3

Return value: 3->2->1->6->5->4->9->8->7->10->11 -> null


#include "iostream"
using namespace std;

const int N = 10;

//Linked List Class
class LinkedList
struct Node{
int data;
struct Node *next;
Node(){next = NULL;};
struct Node * Head;
bool create();
void print();
void reverse(int k);

//Print the List
void LinkedList::print()
Node *p = Head;
cout <<>data << " ";
p = p->next;
cout << endl;

Head = NULL;

//Create the Linked List 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8->9->10
bool LinkedList::create()
Head = new (struct Node);
Head->data = 1;
Node *p=Head;
Node *t;
for(int i = 2; i <= N; i++){
t = new (struct Node);
t->data = i;
p->next = t;
p = p->next;
return true;


//Reverse the Linked List within K nodes
void LinkedList::reverse(int k)
Node *p = Head;
Node *q = Head;
Node *t = p->next;
Node *r = p->next;
Node *last = p;
p->next = NULL;
int i = 1;
bool flag = false;
//reverse the list
r = r->next;
t->next = p;
q->next = r;
p = t;
t = r;

// when k nodes are reversed, start from the next k nodes
if(i >= k||r == NULL){
i = 1;
Head = p;
flag = true;
last->next = p;

last = q; // link the last k nodes to the next k nodes
p = r;
q = r;
r = p->next;
t = p->next;
r= NULL;
t = NULL;


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
LinkedList L;
return 0;