1. Install TinyOS. Please refer http://www.tinyos.net/tinyos-2.x/doc/html/install-tinyos.html
2. Make sure you have the correct version of Java on your machine. The default Java on your machine may confilct with the required one.
3. mkdir HelloWorld
4. HelloWorldAppC.nc file:
configuration HelloWorldAppC {
implementation {
components HelloWorldC;
components MainC,LedsC;
components new TimerMilliC() as Timer0;
HelloWorldC.Boot-> MainC.Boot;
HelloWorldC.Leds-> LedsC;
5. HelloWorldC.nc file:
module HelloWorldC{
interface Boot;
interface Leds;
interface Timer
uint16_t count = 0;
event void Boot.booted()
call Timer0.startPeriodic(500);
event void Timer0.fired()
if (count & 0x0004)
call Leds.led2On();
call Leds.led2Off();
if (count & 0x0002)
call Leds.led1On();
call Leds.led1Off();
if (count & 0x0001)
call Leds.led0On();
call Leds.led0Off();
6. The Makefile:
include $(MAKERULES)
7. So, now you have the HelloWorldAppC.nc, HelloWorldC.nc and Makefile, 3 files in your folder.
8. compile the code: make telosb or make micaz
9. If no error messages, then upload the binary to the mote:
make telosb reinstall
10. Now, you should see the mote saying "HelloWorld" by blinking the 3 Leds.
That is it. Enjoy your TinyOS.