Sunday, January 20, 2008

Samsung Blackjack II MP3 ringtone

For my blackjack, I just copied the MP3 file to the \Application Data\Sounds folder, then I can use them as the ringtone. Few days ago, I got my balckjack II. I did the same thing, but the MP3 did not show up in the ringtone list. I don't know why Samsung or AT&T do that. They put a restriction on file size. There is how you remove that restirction. Please remember, you do it for your own risk. I will not be responsible for any damage.

1. download Mobile Registry Editor1.1 from
2. Connect your balckjack to your computer
3. Run MobileRegistryEditor
4. Open HKEY_CurrentUser-->ControlPanel-->Sounds
5. Find the
Delete the key of FileSizeLimit

Ok, it is all done. If you copy the MP3 files to to ApplicationData folder, they will show up in your ringtone list.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Write or review a paper?

If you want to choose between writing a paper or reviewing paper to say accept or reject, which one do you choose?